10.03.2014, 08:53
If you read the previous message apology to it. I used the LoadBitMap method and I get something like this below. First the colors do come off completely wrong in every regard. I will display the code below in how I have written it so you can get the general idea:
Also I noticed it displayed all the strip image in one shot instead of a single sprite from the sprite sheet. Say for example that magnetic object on the left corner of the strip. I want to display this only from the strip and be able to plot it anywhere in the area. Where did I go wrong in this regard?
Bitmap 0, 320+64, 200+64, 8: bitmap 1, 320+64, 200+64, 8: Bitmap 2, 320+64, 200+64, 8
LoadBitmap 0, "work:robotstrip.iff",0
AutoCookie On
Buffer 0, 2*16384: Buffer 1, 2*16384
InitCopList 0, 44, 256, $10038, 8, 64, 0
DisplayPalette 0,0
CreateDisplay 0
DisplayBitMap 0,0
GetaShape 0,0, 32, 32
BlitMode CookieMode
MakeCookie 0
UnBuffer db
Use BitMap db
BBlit db, 0,0,0
Until Joyb(0)=1
Free DisplayBitMap 0
Free DisplayPalette 0
Free BitMap 0
Also I noticed it displayed all the strip image in one shot instead of a single sprite from the sprite sheet. Say for example that magnetic object on the left corner of the strip. I want to display this only from the strip and be able to plot it anywhere in the area. Where did I go wrong in this regard?