19.05.2015, 01:07
Sorry to bring this up again. At the time of that post I thought I tried Str2Adr() but now Str2Adr is not recognised by AmiBlitz, nor is StrToAdr. I haven't updated or changed anything, but just to check in case something was wrong with my setup, I downloaded AmiBlitz 3.6.1 from Sourceforge and tried that. It doesn't recognise Str2Adr or StrToAdr either. A text search of all files doesn't find it either.
Am I going crazy here? Did I miss something? I think I have the updated versions of the libraries because the fresh 3.6.1 did not work, and the Null() function doesn't work like it did in older versions.
Am I going crazy here? Did I miss something? I think I have the updated versions of the libraries because the fresh 3.6.1 did not work, and the Null() function doesn't work like it did in older versions.