Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - hackball - 01.02.2014
Hallo Leute,
hier mal eine alte Lib für BB2 von mir. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, funktionierte die recht gut, evtl. gab es auch mal Speicherlecks (Chipmem) oder so, kann mich nicht mehr erinnern.
Wäre schön, wenn da mal jemand drüber schauen könnte.
Code: ;
; RayAreaGfxLib
; programmed for BlitzBasic 2 by Frank Brandis
; (c)opyright 1995 by Frank Brandis
; maximum of areasteps = 360 !!!!
; graphics
#_allocraster=-492 ;d0=(d0,d1)
#_freeraster =-498 ; (a0,d0,d1)
#_inittmpras =-468 ; (a0,a1,d0)
#_initarea =-282 ; (a0,a1,d0)
#_areamove =-252 ;d0=(a1,d0,d1)
#_areadraw =-258 ;d0=(a1,d0,d1)
#_areaend =-264 ; (a1)
#_areaellipse=-186 ;d0=(a1,d0,d1,d2,d3) ;only os3 ????? i dunno ..
#_drawellipse=-180 ; (a1,d0,d1,d2,d3)
#_setapen =-342 ; (a1,d0)
; exec
#_allocmem =-198 ;d0=(d0,d1)
#_freemem =-210 ; (a1,d0)
!libheader {#rayarealib,0,0,0,0}
!args {#word,#word,#word}
!libs {#graphicslib,#la6}
!subs {_areastart,0,0}
!name {"Area","x,y,col ;start of filled polygon"}
!args {#word,#word}
!libs {#graphicslib,#la6}
!subs {_areastep,0,0}
!name {"AreaStep","x,y ;next coord of filled polygon"}
!libs {#graphicslib,#la6}
!subs {_areafill,0,0}
!name {"AreaFill"," ;closing the polygon"}
!args {#word,#word,#word,#word,#word}
!libs {#graphicslib,#la6}
!subs {_areacirc,0,0}
!name {"WCirclef","x,y,xrad,yrad,col"} ;doesn`t work (areaellipse_)
!args {#long,#word,#word,#word,#word}
!subs {_setptrn,0,0}
!name {"Pattern","*rp,areaptrn1,areaptrn2,areaptrn3,areaptrn4"}
!afunction {#long}
!args {#long,#long,#long,#word}
!libs {#graphicslib,#la0,#execlib,#la1}
!subs {_areainit,0,0}
!name {"AreaInit","(*rp,width,height,maxcoords) TRUE if success"}
!afunction {#long}
!libs {#execlib,#la6}
!subs {_areafinit,0,0}
!name {"AreaFinit"," BOOLEAN TRUE if success"}
!args {#long,#word}
!subs {_linepat,0,0}
!name {"LinePattern","*rp,pattval ;pattval could be %1100110011001100"}
!args {#long,#long,#byte}
!subs {_setptrna,0,0}
!name {"PatternA","*rp,&patdef,patsize; user pattern def, patsize must be one of x^2 !!"}
!args {#long,#byte}
!subs {_setolpen,0,0}
!name {"OutlinePen","*rp,colour ;"}
!args {#long,#byte}
!subs {_oline,0,0}
!name {"Outline","*rp,bool.b ; 0 or 1,switches areaborders off or on"}
LEA rastprt(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1 ;rp here :)
MOVEM.l d0/d1,-(a7);x coord retten
MOVE.l d2,d0 ;colour nach d0
JSR _setapen(a6)
MOVEM.l (a7)+,d0/d1 ;x coord rest.
JSR _areamove(a6) ;AreaMove_ *rp,x,y
LEA rastprt(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1
JSR _areadraw(a6) ;AreaDraw_ *rp,x,y
LEA rastprt(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1 ;*rp in a1
MOVEM.l d0-d3,-(a7);x coord wegen lvosetapen_ retten
MOVE.l d4,d0 ;color nach d0
JSR _setapen(a6)
MOVEM.l (a7)+,d0-d3;x coord rest.
; JSR _areaellipse(a6) ;AreaEllipse_ *rp,x,y,rx,ry ,col
JSR _drawellipse(a6)
JSR _areaend(a6) ;AreaEnd_ *rp
LEA rastprt(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1
JSR _areaend(a6) ;AreaEnd_ *rp
LEA gfxbas(pc),a2
MOVE.l a0,(a2)
LEA execbas(pc),a2
MOVE.l a1,(a2)
LEA rastprt(pc),a1 ;rastport sichern
MOVE.l d0,(a1)
MOVE.l d3,d0 ;max. areasteps
ADD.l #1,d0 ;ein schritt zu maxsteps hinzu
MULU #5,d0 ;mal 5,wegen rasteralloc.
LEA msteps(pc),a0
MOVE.l d0,(a0) ;als maxsteps sichern
LEA widt(pc),a1
MOVE.w d1,(a1)
MOVE.w d1,d0 ;width, should be windows max width
LEA heit(pc),a1
MOVE.l d2,(a1)
MOVE.l d2,d1 ;height, should be windows max height
LEA gfxbas(pc),a1
MOVE.l (a1),a6
JSR _allocraster(a6)
LEA ras(pc),a1
MOVE.l d0,(a1) ;ras.l=AllocRaster_(640,256)
CMP.l #0,d0:BEQ noinit
LEA widt(pc),a0 ;
MOVE.l (a0),d0 ;
DIVU #8,d0 ;
LEA heit(pc),a0 ;
MOVE.l (a0),d1 ;
MULU d1,d0 ; MOVE.l #$14000,d0 ;(640/8)*256)
LEA ras(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1
LEA tmpras(pc),a0
JSR _inittmpras(a6) ;err.l=InitTmpRas_(tmpras,buf.l,(640/8)*256)
LEA execbas(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a6
LEA msteps(pc),a1
MOVE.l (a1),d0
MOVE.l #$10001,d1
JSR _allocmem(a6)
LEA buff(pc),a0
MOVE.l d0,(a0) ;buff$=String$(" ",(msteps+1)*5)
CMP.l #0,d0:BEQ noinit
LEA gfxbas(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a6
LEA buff(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1
LEA areainf(pc),a0 ;eigene structur
MOVE.l #360,d0
JSR _initarea(a6) ;err.l=InitArea_(*ai.AreaInfo,&buff$,360)
LEA rastprt(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1
LEA tmpras(pc),a0
MOVE.l a0,SizeOf.RastPort\TmpRas(a1) ;*rp\TmpRas=tmpras
LEA areainf(pc),a0
MOVE.l a0,SizeOf.RastPort\AreaInfo(a1) ;*rp\AreaInfo=*ai
MOVEQ #1,d0
BRA okinit
MOVEQ #0,d0
LEA widt(pc),a0 ;
MOVE.l (a0),d0 ;MOVE.w #640,d0
LEA heit(pc),a0 ;
MOVE.l (a0),d1 ;MOVE.w #256,d1
LEA gfxbas(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a6
LEA ras(pc),a1
MOVE.l (a1),a0
JSR _freeraster(a6) ;FreeRaster_ *ras,640,256
LEA execbas(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a6
LEA msteps(pc),a0 ;
MOVE.l (a0),d0
LEA buff(pc),a0 ;
MOVE.l (a0),a1
JSR _freemem(a6)
; d0=result
MOVE.l d0,a1
LEA patt1(pc),a0
MOVE.w d1,(a0)+
MOVE.w d2,(a0)+
MOVE.w d3,(a0)+
MOVE.w d4,(a0)
LEA patt1(pc),a0
MOVE.l a0,SizeOf.RastPort\AreaPtrn(a1)
MOVE.b #2,SizeOf.RastPort\AreaPtSz(a1) ;heavy error last version
MOVE.l d0,a1 ;rastprt
MOVE.l d1,SizeOf.RastPort\AreaPtrn(a1)
MOVE.b d2,SizeOf.RastPort\AreaPtSz(a1)
MOVE.l d0,a1
MOVE.w d1,SizeOf.RastPort\LinePtrn(a1)
MOVE.l d0,a1
MOVE.b d1,SizeOf.RastPort\AOlPen(a1)
; MOVE.w SizeOf.RastPort\Flags(a1),d0
; BSET #3,d0
; MOVE.w d0,SizeOf.RastPort\Flags(a1)
MOVE.l d0,a1
SUB.l d0,d0
MOVE.w SizeOf.RastPort\Flags(a1),d0
CMP.b #0,d1
BEQ dof
BSET #3,d0
bck:MOVE.w d0,SizeOf.RastPort\Flags(a1)
dof:BCLR #3,d0:BRA bck
tmpras: ;struct
Dc.l 0
Dc.l 0
areainf:Dcb.l 8,0
execbas:Dc.l 0
gfxbas: Dc.l 0
rastprt:Dc.l 0
ras: Dc.l 0
msteps: Dc.l 0
buff: Dc.l 0
widt: Dc.w 0
heit: Dc.w 0
patt1: Dc.w 0,0,0,0
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - hackball - 01.02.2014
Hier noch ein Beispiel:
Code: ; AreaDemo 2
; tests AreaCommands from RayAreaLib (C) by Frank Brandis
; setting up a screen
; Pal, HighRes, Interlace,8 Planes=255+1 Colors
Screen1,0,0,672,512,8,$8004,"this is a test",2,1
;then,open a window
; backdrop,noborder,activate
*rp=RastPort(1) ;getting RastPort
;initialising AreaLib
If AreaInit(*rp,672,512,500)<>1 Then End ;no succeed ????
; Pattern *rp,$AAAA,$AAAA,$AAAA,$AAAA ;check this out
OutlinePen *rp,1 ;sets the outline pen,(not needed)
Outline *rp,On
While Joyb(0)<>1 ;while left button not hit
Delay_1 ;DOSlib: waiting one frame
x=Rnd(600)+10 ;starting new Polygone with random coords
col.w =Rnd(254)+1 ;colour min. 1,max. 255
Area x,y,col ;starting new polygone
b=Rnd(5)+3 ;minimum of 3 (more) coords,max. 8
For a.b=1 To b
x=Rnd(600)+10 ;random coordinates
y=Rnd(536)+10 ;
AreaStep x,y ;setting next area point
AreaFill ;closing and drawing this polygone
ok.l=AreaFinit ;try to freeing all memory
End ;bye bye
*edit screenmode comment
*edit testprog lha added
*edit polygons are actually 4+ corners, Area starts the first one and Areasteps adds 3 or more...
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - hackball - 01.02.2014
Hier noch ein paar (alte) Anwendungsbeispiele:
oder das hier noch:
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - Blackbird - 01.02.2014
Sieht doch schonmal gut aus...!
Hast du schonmal getestet obs auf den NG-Maschinen auch läuft ?
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - hackball - 01.02.2014
Was ist denn eine NG-Maschine bei dir? Nur GFX-Karte oder PPC/OS4?
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - Blackbird - 01.02.2014
nicht nur OS4 sondern auch MOS
wenns auf Graka läuft, dann besteht die Hoffnung das es auch dort funktioniert...
ich habe jetzt nicht weiter im Source geschnüffelt, deswegen die Frage
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - hackball - 01.02.2014
Das sind Standard-OS-Aufrufe in die GFXlib. Allerdings m68k. Ob das auf OS4/MOS dann Chipmem alloziert, weiß ich aber nicht. GFX-Kartenbetrieb hatte ich zumindest mit dem Vectoreditor schon getestet, das ging.
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - Blackbird - 01.02.2014
wenn du executabels hast zum testen, dann kann ich auf beiden mal probieren wenn du willst....
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - hackball - 03.02.2014
Das mit den RTG-Screens läuft noch nicht so automatisch, wie ich mir das dachte. z.B. bekomme ich einen RTG-8 Bit Screen, aber sehe nur einen kleinen Ausschnitt. Aber laufen tut es:-)
Re: Area-Commands (graphicslib) OLD! - hackball - 30.03.2014
Ich glaube, ich weiß (wieder), warum es manchmal crasht. Die maximale Anzahl an Area-Steps wird nicht gecheckt. da müßte man einen Branch einbauen oder einen Fehler werfen.
Code: ...
LEA gfxbas(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a6
LEA buff(pc),a0
MOVE.l (a0),a1
LEA areainf(pc),a0 ;eigene structur
MOVE.l #360,d0 ;<<<<< hard coded max steps for polygon !!!
JSR _initarea(a6) ;err.l=InitArea_(*ai.AreaInfo,&buff$,360)
*Edit: gfxbase könnte man auch direkt nach a6.... usw.