WriteSerialString fails.. - Druckversion

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WriteSerialString fails.. - plouf - 09.02.2025

does anyone has experience with this command?

it fails to send a string, send one or a few bytes , with a non predicted form
if i send single bytes WITH some delays (vwait 1 is enough), all arrive  

note that currently only test it under WinUAE to a PC,

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - hackball - 09.02.2025

Did you set up the serial parameters in a way that make sense?

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - plouf - 09.02.2025

wha tis the way taht "make sense" ?

i shave enable serial status (rts/ctc..) etc ?

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - hackball - 09.02.2025

like baudrate, bits (7-n-1 or 8-n-1), etc?

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - plouf - 09.02.2025

i use

which, as i read defaults to 8 n 1, which i use succefull for single byte send and receive but not very fast ?

also openserial fails (guru) with most other serial.devices like uaeserial.device / baudbandid etc
but no problem since target is to use build in serial anyway Smile

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - hackball - 09.02.2025

i just checked my src for the Casablanca serial console.

it has a comment about "writeserialstring doesn't work" Tongue

so i wrote a macro back then like

For i =1 to len (out$)
  writeserial unit, asc(mid$(...))

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - plouf - 09.02.2025

Yes i worked same way seemms its broken for decades :-(

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - hackball - 09.02.2025

i did set serialbits to 32|128, which is shared+xof disable

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - plouf - 10.02.2025

just for future reference
it seems that Blitz need not to bother it as long as unloading string

a VWAIT exactly after serial string make it work, nothing else !
i count around 18 bytes per VWAIT at 9600 in winuae , ie for a 50 byte string need at least VWAIT 3

RE: WriteSerialString fails.. - hackball - 11.02.2025

That's not how it is supposed to be, lol.

against WinUAE you could certainly go up to 100kbaud, Blitz should finish immediatly then.

We can't use VWait in a proper way when doing system stuff, this is not multitasking friendly.

Maybe there is a way to utilise the Serial interrupt.