Question about writing a workbench RTG game - Druckversion

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Question about writing a workbench RTG game - A500 - 10.02.2017


I want to write a small workbench RTG game not using OCS/AGA commands, but exclusive RTG commands for graphics in workbench mode. Are there any materials or tutorials or articles I can learn and read about it?

Also I want to learn about networking. Say I want to write a small application similar to chat system, or IRC or use a server to send back and forth to it. Are there also any materials or tutorials I can learn from this?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Question about writing a workbench RTG game - Daedalus - 10.02.2017

Not too much information around, but you can load the file Blitz3/Sourcecodes/Includes/image.include.ab3 and have a look at it. It contains lots of functions for doing system-friendly 24-bit graphics, and even includes a small demo at the end so you can just compile and run it to see how it works.